How to applyWHAT WE OFFER

Private paid
Join the ProChild family by choosing our private paid program. We will provide your child all the essential to their development and we guarantee staff commitment through the center philosophy.

The Early Learning Coalition (ELC) is a childcare program for children ages three to five that is fully licensed and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Through guided involvement in ELC operations, students are more successful integrating theoretical preparation with practical application. If you are interested to learn more click here.
6 weeks to 12 months
Our infants are cared for in a specially equipped nursery providing the personal attention, security, stimulation, and nurturing they require.
Leaving your baby in someone else’s care is a big step. Everyone at our center most importantly, our naturally gifted infant teachers will work with you to make the change goes smoothly.
Our classroom is a shoe free environment . As soon as your child is ready to start crawling around, they have the freedom to explore their soundarounfings . A shoe-free enviroment keeps your children safe from germ and dirt.
Parents can spect daily reports both written and verbally on eating.

Because every child is different specialy in the infant room our infant room schedule is flexible & individualized to meet each child’s needs.
Outdoor play
Our Infant outdoor playground section is equipped with artificial grass. It allows them to crawl around without the potential of placing small pieces in their mouths.
12 months – 24 months
Our toddlers’ program provides many possibilities for the children to express themselves and build on skills learned during infancy and provides a safe, clean and happy environment for toddlers to become more independent.
Everything in our toddler’s classroom is kid size, We place books, and toys in easy reach to the childs. Kids are free to explore all over the classroom.
Our classroom is equipped with photos and labeled to provide visual clues, toys, shapes, and family tree.

toddlers Schedule
Arrival and breakfast (time): We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, specially for the little ones.
Circle time: We start the day with circle time, where we talk about our day’s planned event and make commitments, read a book a loud and sing fun learning songs. Learn the word of the day.
Centers: Our centers are very important part of your child learning, kids can play and explore at their own, and work together on related activity led by the teacher.
Outdoor play (time’): Let’s play outside! In this time kids can play with other kids run around and use their imagination.
Lunch: Our menu is designed to contain all the necessary complements to help your child grow healthy. Our menu is designed by the health department.
Twos & Threes
Twos & threes
Twos and three years old are very curious about the world around them. Our qualified staff is ready to take them on the journey, learning basic building block, and work together.
Everything in our twos’s classrooms is kid size. We place books and toys in easy reach to the child.
Our classroom is equipped with photos and labeled to provide visual clues, toys, shapes, and family tree.

Daily classroom, schedule routine
Kids start to learn their daily routine by elaborating their schedule with pictures to show them what’s coming next.
Circle time: In our circle time we talk about our daily planned events, sing and learn about our daily theme.
TWOS Schedule
Arrival and breakfast (time): We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, specially for the little ones.
Circle time: We start the day with circle time, where we talk about our day’s planned event and make commitments, read a book a loud and sing fun learning songs. Learn the word of the day.
Centers: Our centers are very important part of your child learning, kids can play and explore at their own, and work together on related activity led by the teacher.
Outdoor play (time’): Let’s play outside! In this time kids can play with other kids, run around and use their imagination
Lunch: Our menu is designed to contain all the necessary complements to help your child grow healthy. Our menu is designed by the health department.
Preschool Age
4 -5 years old
Welcome to Preschool Age, in this age group, we get them ready for the big kids school!
This age is all about exploring, kids start to be curious about how things work around them, they will learn everything they need to know before they big step into the “Big Kids School”.
In our preschool classroom, we always use open-end questions, those are questions that cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and instead require the child to elaborate on their point.
Our classrooms are design to have 9 centers.

1. Art: An art learning center serves as a great creative outlet for kids to help express their emotions and ideas. Children can experience different textures and use different materials as they create their works of art.
2. Blocks: Children can improve their motor skills, practice problem-solving, and learn to work with their classmates while playing in a block learning center. Block play enables children to explore their creative side by building unique structures and communities with blocks, block people, and block animals
3. Literacy: Having a quiet area to practice their reading, writing, and comprehension skills will help children express ideas, explore their interests, and learn about the world around them.
4. Technology: A technology center provides the child with all the educational resources to continue learning while using technology, teacher use tools like ABC mouse and hatch to improve your child’s education.
5. Dramatic play: Dramatic play will give children opportunities to role-play as adults in everyday situations and a variety of careers. Dramatic play encourages creativity, self-expression and knowledge.
6. Sand and water: Sand and water center encourages children to participate in sensory play.
7. Nature and science: Nature and science center brings the outdoor world to indoors and give the children opportunities to explore nature and science concepts.
8. Music and movement: Music and movement centers encourage children to be physically active and give them opportunities to experiment with sound and music. Music and movement centers also promote self-expression, foster creativity, and help children relax.
9. Math and manipulatives: Math and Manipulatives center can help children further develop their fine motor skills and better understanding beginning math concepts, Children can also practice their problem-solving skills and improve their hand-eye coordination by sorting counters and participating in other similar activities.
Preschool Schedule
Arrival and breakfast (time): We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, specially for the little ones.
Circle time: We start the day with circle time, where we talk about our day’s planned event and make commitments, read a book a loud and sing fun learning songs. Learn the word of the day.
Centers: Our centers are very important part of your child learning, kids can play and explore at their own, and work together on related activity led by the teacher.
Outdoor play (time’): Let’s play outside! In this time kids can play with other kids, run around and use their imagination
Lunch: Our menu is designed to contain all the necessary complements to help your child grow healthy. Our menu is designed by the health department.
After School & Summer camp
6 – 12 years old
Our summer camp and after-school service are designed to provide them with enriching and enjoyable experiences. Our after-school program ensures a secure and educational environment for your child. During this time, they will have the opportunity to complete their homework, utilize computers for academic purposes, participate in physical fitness activities, engage in games, and work on art projects. Additionally, a nutritious mid-afternoon snack will be provided.